Lion Lights


Shelly and Richard receiving the CABA award at Howard University in Washington, DC

LION LIGHTS is the award winning true story of Richard Turere, a young Maasai living in Kenya. I am co-authoring with Richard to share his story of how he, as a small child, invented a way to protect his father’s cows from hungry lions and, at the same time, saved the lions from retaliation by the Maasai. His bright idea, that no one had thought of, is being used around the world. My hope is that this book will inspire children everywhere to do amazing things too.

Reading Age: 6-8 years
Grade Level: 2-5
ISBN-13 978-0884488859


“I was determined to find a solution…”

What People are Saying About Lion Lights:

“There were a lot of efforts to protect lions and livestock. It was a conservation crisis, really. Expert solutions failed, but Richard came up with something that worked.”

― Paula Kahumbu, executive director of the Kenya Land Conservation Trust; chairman of the Friends of Nairobi National Park; CEO of Wildlife Direct; National Geographic Explorer

“Lion Lights seem simple, but then again the best solutions always do. Since Richard invented his system, lions have never killed our livestock, and the tension between the Kenya Wildlife Service and local communities has been reduced.”

― Dr. Charles Musyoki, Senior Scientist, Kenya Wildlife Service

“Richard’s system has been a huge success. People all over Kenya have begun copying his approach to safeguard their livestock―the concept is simple, cheap, and easily replicated. Many of those using it now have no knowledge of who the innovator is. Thank you, Richard!”

― Lucy Waruingi, African Conservation Centre; from The Lion Chaser: The Invention That Changed Farming in Kenya